What is Rainbow Room?
The Rainbow Room is a resource room stocked with snacks, diapers, school supplies, clothes, toiletries, toys and other items frequently needed to meet the emergency needs of families in crisis. Our philosophy is that abused and neglected children and adults do not deserve used items, so only new items are stocked. Getting new items can have a significant impact on the children in helping them feel cared for and fit in with their peers at school.
The Room is available to caseworkers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for any of our clients.
Prior to the establishment of the Fort Bend Rainbow Room, local caseworkers frequently used their own funds to meet these needs, while waiting for permanent funding solutions. Many of these expenditures were not reimbursable; nevertheless, most caseworkers could not refuse to feed or clothe hungry children that had just been rescued from abusive and/or neglectful homes. The Rainbow Room is able to meet these immediate needs with support from the community.
Our Board
Alex Lewis, Vice President
Lindsay Pilkinton, President
Wende Lewis Buckley, Imm. Past President
Taylor Scott, Director of Publicity
Dr. Malik Kutty, Development Director
Taylor Scott, Director of Publicity
Audrey Powell
Nicole Johnson
Alisha Silver
Q Imam
Tanya Allen
Our Staff
Tonya Lewis, Executive Director
Barbara Macha, Administrative Assistant
Our Auxiliary
The Rainbow Room Auxiliary was created in the fall of 2007 to assist with fundraising efforts. Contact: rainbowroomauxiliary@gmail.com.
Our Mission
The Rainbow Room provides emergency and transitional supplies for the unmet material needs of children and families involved with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.
Strategic Philosophy
The Rainbow Room brings hope to many children in the CPS system and adults within the APS system who have been dealt an unfortunate hand in life. Through the efforts of those associated with the Rainbow Room, the children and adults who have become clients of the Rainbow Room are provided an opportunity for a brighter future and an improvement in their life situation.
Our Volunteers
The volunteers and sponsors of the Rainbow Room allow our program to continue to provide for the abused and neglected children and adults within Fort Bend County.
An annual luncheon is held to honor those that serve our program. Past award winners include:
2000 Flo Berkman
2001 Rita Drabek
2002 Ashly Nance
2003 Fort Bend Junior Service League
2004 Texas Genco / H. A Parish Plant
2005 Christ United Methodist Church
2006 Marvin Marcell
2007 Sugar Creek Association of Tennis
2008 RBC Wealth Management
2009 Fort Bend Junior Service League
2010 Fluor/Golf for Fort Bend
2012 NRG Energy - W. A. Parish Plant
2013 Fort Bend Junior Service League
2014 Sterling McCall Lexus
2015 Andy Stewart- Finish Line Sports
2016 Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital
Volunteers at the 2017 Flo Berkman luncheon were honored as follows:
President's Award 2016
Taylor Scott
Outstanding Christmas Sponsor 2016
City of Sugar Land
Outstanding Community Partner 2016
Vincent & Vangie Ostera / St. Laurence Catholic Church
DFPS Staff Member of the Year 2016
Latorsha Perry
Volunteer of the Year
Julie Hathaway
Champion of Giving 2016
Minute Maid and Fort Bend Jr. Service League